Why FRP Planters Are the Ultimate Choice for Modern Gardening

FRP Planters Modern Gardening
24 Sep, 2024

Have ever smelled the earth? Okay, let me rephrase that, have you ever smelled fresh soil? Have you ever smelled a flower? Have you ever smelled the breeze of an ocean? If you have, you would agree with the fact: Nothing compares to the refreshing and calming feel it brings to your body. This feeling is very primitive but experienced only occasionally in the modern world.

Modern evolution has increased the gap between us and nature. So, how can we connect with our primitive instincts? The simple answer is modern gardening.

It is currently the most suitable way to:

  • Keep your space refreshing
  • Spread limitless positivity in your space
  • Highlight the theme of your decor
  • Connect you with your primitive instincts

As soon as you decide, that you want to start gardening, one of the initial challenges will be of finding the perfect planters. And, in this blog, we are going to bring the perfect solution to this challenge.

There are many different types of planters available in the market but FRP planters are the ultimate choice for modern gardening. But why? Right?

This is why:

Plants that thrive in FRP

From cacti, flowering, herbs, to tropicals and indoor plants, a frp planter is appropriate for any plant to thrive.

Perfect for small spaces

The most common reason why people have to let go of the idea of gardening is because of space restrictions. And frp planters bring just the right solution to this restriction with their small sizes. There is a very elegant, artistic and aesthetic range of small frp planters available at Bonasila that are perfect for container gardening on balconies or herb gardening on a tabletop.


There is a journey that you will embark on when you start your gardening. You will add some new plants, remove the dead plants (if you don’t take enough care), try and enhance the flooring of the garden with the carpet, clean up the space once in a while to keep it fresh and much more.

All these commitments will be easy to fulfil when your planters are very portable, and frp planters are just that. It is very light in weight so even moving a big planter is quite easy.


Now, moving your planters here and there is easy, but it increases the possibility of them falling off your hands or you, pushing them with your back while you are moving something else.
With FRP planters you wouldn’t have to worry about the planters breaking. The mixture of fibreglass and plastic is very tough to break.

All weather resistance

Whether you decide to get an indoor garden or a succulent outdoor garden, frp planters are suitable for both. Their unique designs will complement your interiors and thanks to all weather resistance, the frp planter doesn’t lose its colour from exposure to UV rays and doesn’t rust from rainwater in the outdoors.

Accommodates drainage

The functional design of frp planters supports accommodate drainage to prevent the roots of the plant from rotting. It also allows aeration to the roots which keeps them healthy and promotes optimal growth of the plants.

Pro-tip for beginners: Avoid over-watering, and choose quality soil for your plants.

Low maintenance

The frp planters are the easiest to maintain. Wipe it with just a wet cloth, if the dirt is muddy or with a dry cloth, if the dirt is dry, and you are good to go.

Wide range of options

There are a lot of factors that play along when you start gardening. The space available for gardening, the climate conditions where you live, the type of plants you want in your garden, the colour you want for your planters that matches with your interior and much more.
But this also gives you a chance to be creative with your space and personalise it. And with the largest range of frp planters from Bonasila, you can choose your own unique planters and make your space more like you.


A frp planter is made from a mixture of fibreglass, plastic and resin. Both of these materials can be recycled into more frp objects or other things. Thus, choosing an frp planter means making a sustainable choice.

Design your own planter

The frp planters also give you a chance to unlock your creativity. An frp material can moulded into any shape and scaled up to any size. This allows you to design your own planter, that has the essence of your personality, suits your space, and makes people ask you ‘Who designed that planter?’ or ‘Where did you get it from?’

That all being said, we really want you to start gardening in your homes because it not only allows you to connect with your primal instincts but will also make you a more responsible person, who cares for their garden.

Moreover, if you want to explore India’s largest range of frp planters, visit Bonasila today.